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A game of Competative tile placement and Deckbuilding

Rise of Babel

It features ample space to showcase your imagery with Mosaic, Image with text, and Slideshow sections ... and even this Rich Text section itself.

Use this testimonial as an opportunity for your most valued customer to discuss your brand and what sets you apart from the competition. This section looks best when limited to two or three lines!

John Doe

Use this testimonial as an opportunity for your most valued customer to discuss your brand and what sets you apart from the competition. This section looks best when limited to two or three lines!

John Doe

Use this testimonial as an opportunity for your most valued customer to discuss your brand and what sets you apart from the competition. This section looks best when limited to two or three lines!

John Doe

Rise of Babel

The Legendary Box

Rise of Babel: Base Game 📦 Rise of Babel: Fall of Man Expansion 📦 Rise of Babel: Innovations 📦 Rise of Babel: Foundat...

Hive Pledge manager

Rise of babel pledge levels

Base Game

$49 [ Save $10 off MSRP]

Rise of Babel Base Game 📦

Base Game + Expansion

$75 [Save $20 off MSRP]

Rise of Babel Base Game and Fall of Man Expansion 📦 📦

All in Game play!

$95 [Save $27 off MSRP]

Rise of Babel: Base Game 📦 Rise of Babel: Fall of Man Expansion 📦 Rise of Babel: Innovations 📦 Rise of Babel: Foundations 📦 Rise of Babel:Ropes and Rollers 📦 Rise of Babel: First Player 3D token

Legendary Box

$175 [Save $40 off MSRP]

Rise of Babel: Base Game 📦 Rise of Babel: Fall of Man Expansion 📦 Rise of Babel: Innovations 📦 Rise of Babel: Foundations 📦 Rise of Babel: Ropes and Rollers 📦 Rise of Babel: First Player 3D token, ✨✨ Exclusive Legendary box 📦 and its components ✨✨

Rise of Babel


Questions and Answers

When will Rise of Babel Fulfill?

Rise of Babel will start manufacturing as soon as the pledge manager closes. The General fulfillment is scheduled for the beginning of October 2025

Rise of Babel: Fall of Man expansion

The Fall of Man Expansion adds: 5 Unique and upgradable characters with asymmetric capabilities. 30+ market cards that add more tension. Confusion tiles and player tiles may be moved, blocking opponents, confusing the tower construction. Store Gold between turns. Acquire more powerful resource tiles. Thrive in the new expansion Rise of Babel: Fall of man!

How can i get the Legendary Box after the Kickstarter?

Will the Legendary Box be available after the Kickstarter? Yes it will be only online through We are very limited in how many copies we can print due to its Deluxe components. The quantities of the Legendary box that will be available for purchase will be very Limited.


Rise of Babel

Rise of Babel: Fall of man